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Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Storm is Brewing

They tell us it is going to "brush" by Cape Cod. That doesn't sound too bad. HMMMMMM.
Today they closed the local beaches and everyone is heading their boats into a safe harbor. It is breezy now and the air is thick with tropical humidity. YUCK!
The other night we had blinding lightning and horrific (right over the house) thunder. The worst thing that happened was I stepped on a dog bone in the dark trying to get to the studio and close the windows. THANK HEAVENS it was only that...whole trees came down in some counties and a oil tank blew up in the Port of Providence.
We never get too excited with storms and to be honest I usually sleep right through them. Even Lizzie is not bothered at all. Emmi made sure she was near her "dad"...she is a thug of a cat but she has a soft center!
Nature beautiful but wild at times. You never know.
Today's photo: "Emmi's Eyes" detail of an original oil & photo "Clouds over the Cape Cod Canal"...snapped it last summer.copyright 2005 Carol Chretien.

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