First Look At New Art Work!

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Screeching Halt? or Life Gets In The Way...

" Like A Spiral In A Spiral..."
(original sold)

You know that song...Like a Spiral in a Spiral, Like a Wheel within a Wheel... that is where I am today.
I have been digging through old computer files to find some of my favorite paintings before they are lost forever. Learning some more about print image sizes and my own camera (all time consuming things) that I didn't know.
Also...allow me to whine a little about the lousy cold wet weather (not as bad as if it were 40 ft of snow like mid-Atlantic states have gotten, I freely admit) but the rain did produce a rather large leak in my studio ceiling the last couple of days and that has pushed me back a bit in my production of work. Lucky for me that the paintings are out of harms brushes and paint tubes all need to be rescued.
Always something. The weather is not looking good for a few more days...roof can't be fixed until the rain stops is just being "managed" ...oiy!
Please stay tuned as I work around the maze.

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