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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Success Has Many Faces

What has the year brought you? Have you made it a Success?

Painting has given me a great way to express myself and show the world some of what goes on in my mind in a way that says it succinctly. For me, making art is about using creative energy in a positive way.

This morning as I was gathering up paper work that follows the art work (only part of the work I don't enjoy!) I was amazed at how many of my paintings this year have gone to homes around the USA and even as far away as Australia!

I am not sure who the official "powers that be" are that decide about who or what is a "success" but I am sure I am humbled by how many new people are enjoying my original art work and how it has helped to make some forgotten and abandoned animals a little more comfortable this year through creative giving.

In that regard, ART HELPING ANIMALS is an astounding success for that alone.

"Success" has many faces and most of them have been of needy and homeless animals waiting for their own adoptive homes or of my own animals who continue to help others by being inspiration and models for much of my work.

I recently listed for charity a painting of our cat Sesby who was with us for 18 yrs and even though she has been gone for over 13 yrs she is helping unfortunate animals through my memory of her in oil paint.

It has been a great year for sending this work out and getting wonderful response and feedback. I think of it as sending this heartfelt energy into the world, letting it go and hoping that it makes an impact that's for the greater good somewhere. We all create this kind of energy with every contact and exchange we make all day long. Everyone has choices and chances daily to AMP up and get that energy moving.

I am so thankful to the following artists who have inspired me all year and everyday...
Stella Violano, Melinda Dalke, Vernita Bridges-Hoyt, Robin Joy Andreae, Tanya Amberson, Sandra Merwin, Andy Mathis, Peggy Henderson,Cori Solomon, Cathrin McMillan, & Amber Lowe.
Talented, Accomplished, Giving, Inspirational ...every one.

Go out...create some energetic good and see success looking back at you from those many faces.

Monday, November 27, 2006

A New Day

AH yes...another one!

I am a morning person...seeing the sunrise is the usual for me.
It is also the best part of my day when everything is ahead and I have a chance to make it a great day....or not.
Sting sang about it and it's said on a Clear Day, you can see forever. So it begins with a plan. What will I make of my Brand New Day?

In the evolution of these last few years, my days are heavily vested in art. With being an artist comes many new opportunies to express much of the core interests, feelings and beliefs I hold dear. Combined with this season we collectively appear to consider as the season of giving, it has become for me more about the season of doing.

That would seem to make it easy to organize....make list, check it twice...fa la la la la la la...hmmmm nope. It is still overwhelming when you start seeing the "countdown" and the clock has this loud ticking sound (if only in your own imagination.)
RULE# 2: Decide what is most important to you.
RULE# 4: Where is the need? What GOOD will your efforts do?

YOUR answers will help you form a plan and a good plan it will be.
We have all seen the news of lines of people cramming into malls and stores stepping on each other, running people down to get the chance to grab some merchandise and charge up their charge cards.
My brain asks...WHY? What is THAT all about? I don't get it.
Each to their as you will...but I make a suggestion to keep it sane and keep it real...

Get up at sunrise...take a breath, look at the possibilities the day holds...where can you do some good this day? What will you paint on your life's canvas today?

This holiday season can start with a brand new day, everyday...or you can go back to bed and let it ride.
Your call. And have a nice day!

photo image: copyright 2006 Carol Chretien
Please visit and for alternatives to the Mall.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Get your jingle bells polished and get that string of lights untangled.
Officially tomorrow kicks off the HOLIDAY SEASON!
Well I am kicking it off with a little HOLLY DAL for your HOLIDAYS.

Look into the eyes of this little spottie and then avoid the Christmas Rush and the Holiday your HEARTS and make a donation to your favorite charity!
It is not about adding more to your list of things to do... it is all about helping those who really need it.
I choose to do several things in my ELF role this the neediest animals, give to the children at St Judes and become a wrapping ELF (not RAPPING ELF...holy cow!HO HO HO) a gift wrapping ELF for Catholic Charities in my area.
We have so MANY opportunities to do good and help where we can.
We don't even have to give $$$$$ ....we can give time! Be PRESENT where needed.
Do it in memory of those we love and miss, those who have passed from our lives but not our hearts!

I am dedicating all I can do this year to the memories of my Holiday's Past.
I have been blessed by love and family and the most excellent years of happy memories is the time to pay it forward.

In memory of my Dad (George) and my Father & Mother-in-law (Leo & Hazel)and my sister (Linda) and my dear friend (Kathy)... I am in official ELF MODE!

Do what YOU can and pass on the CHEER, the SPIRIT and the JOY!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Give till it FEELS GOOD!

I will say this MANTRA until the end of the year...I DO NOT need another gizmo, sweater, pair of earrings or any other item bought for me again this year. No, I am not ungrateful to those who remember me with a gift. But I really don't need more STUFF.
In fact, I am willing to bet the farm that most of us don't need more STUFF.
So what to do?
I plan to give whatever I can to help those in need. That is to say, people and pets who have a heck of a lot less than I do. Maybe they haven't got a roof, maybe they haven't enough to eat, maybe they need some kindness shown to them, they might be lonely, too.

I don't have to tell anybody what they need to do. I give people credit for knowing that there is need out there.
Most of us blogging and accessing the internet are doing OK. I think that is a safe assumption to make. So if you can give a little, share a little and acknowledge how GREAT it feels to help a bit...then give a little more and really feel some Spirit and Joy course through you like that Holiday Egg Nog!
Be an ELF!
Sprinkle Some Cheer!

image copyright 2006 Carol Chretien

Saturday, November 04, 2006

A Time For Giving

We are swiftly approaching that all American Holiday....Thanksgiving.

When I give it any thought at all I think of it as a day to remember the goodness and blessings I have had in my life. I remember the people and beloved pets who have gone. I remember the wonderful past holidays with all my family and how much love I have in my life today.

It is a time for giving to others who have less than I do. It may not be much more than canned goods, some clothing items, a donation to charity, or if possible, maybe help at a soup kitchen or shelter... but every little offering DOES help a bit.

The very same for our best animal friends.

Donate an old clean blanket ...or pick up a new one when you shop next... give some toys, some pet food, dome spare dollars if you are able, volunteer at an animal shelter. Spread the word about animals in need!

WE are their advocates. WE are their protectors.

PLEASE, in this season of giving that we call November and December....PLEASE, remember those in need!
Thank You.

Painting "SLEEP OF THE INNOCENT" (detail)
Image copyrighted to Carol Chretien 2004.
Visit my website and the ART HELPING ANIMALS site for ways you can help animals through art.