As you can see ....not my typical work or choice of medium...this was an exercise of about 5 hrs of pencil drawing. Just wanted to see what it was like for a pencil artist to do their work. My hat is off to those who have the patience of saints to work in graphite. Not kidding!
Many painters do detailed sketch work before they start applying oil or other colored mediums to their supports ...I never do. You have seen the Work In Progress postings here, I may have an outline here and there but I leave all the creative happenings to the application of paint as I go. Lots of seeing as I paint. Frankly I admire those who sketch out a whole is the map they use to get to their destination. I have always been in awe of that process but I think I have that urge to jump right in with color right off the bat that keeps me away from that path.
In any case, I did enjoy the exercise for the most part. Thought I would share it as I had nothing new to show in oils and it was interesting to me, thought it might be for you.
Today I am back to the oil paint. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It is fun to take a field trip once in a while and the multi-media artists are so fortunate to be able to do their best work in many different ways...applause all around. :D
Me? I'm just an Oiler...dyed in the wool, paint clothes stained, squeeze those tubes out...oiler.
Back to the easel.
Stay tuned...something different coming up next. ;o)